

We Buy Properties Cash. No Repairs. No hidden Fees. No Hassle. We Close In Your Time Frame. We Have Post-Occupancy Option.


Why choose us

MM Buys Houses

We are local. You can make an appointment directly with the owner of the company, who after the visit will be able to present a strong Cash Offer for your property. Usually, our offer will have these features:

  • No further Inspection is required
  • In less than 30 days you will have your money in your pocket
  • We pay most of the Closing Cost
  • We are open to post-occupancy agreements.
  • We can offer several Options to get your equity.

Juan was incredibly attentive. Despite being such a busy person, he always answered my calls or text messages, I always felt like I was dealing directly with the buyer and not with a big company that doesn't have time for small things. His professionalism was expressed in every part of the deal.


I never thought selling my house would be so easy and convenient, I did practically nothing. I even stayed at home after I received the money, for a short period while I found a place to move. There was no part of the agreement where we did not reach a win-win agreement in less than 5 minutes. I wish all buyers were like Juan.


We inherited a Property in Miami, I just called Juan and he took care of everything. We didn’t have to go to Miami. I we received a Fair amount of money for our house.


The cash offer that Juan offered us at the beginning of the process was not enough. Because we were not in a hurry, he presented us with another option called Smart Cash Sale. This was incredibly convenient. And he did everything. I truly recommend him.
